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  • Data Conversion from 3rd Party Loggers into Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook

Custom Logbook Conversion | We Convert Your Log From Another Logger

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With many requests for this service, we provide one-time data conversion from other ham radio logging programs up to 50,000 QSOs. Additional QSOs will be charged at the rate of $10 per 10,000. The turn-around time varies. The conversions will be done by Mike, WA9PIE. The quality of the results depend upon the quality of the source data.

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SKU: S001
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  • With many requests for this service, we provide one-time data conversion from other ham radio logging programs up to 50,000 QSOs. Additional QSOs will be charged at the rate of $10 per 10,000. The turn-around time varies. The conversions will be done by Mike, WA9PIE. The quality of the results depend upon the quality of the source data. Mike has had success with many large logs for well-known VIPs and DXers. Don't let log conversion prevent you from moving to the world's premier ham radio suite - Ham Radio Deluxe.
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