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The version of Ham Radio Deluxe is now available for download. Please download it from the Download pages on our website at:
This is a small release to take action on a handful of issues reported following the release. This version corrects the Doppler shift for the uplink frequency, saves eQSL settings, corrects a couple awards reporting issues, and speeds up the launching of the great circle map in Rotator.
We've made some stop-gap improvements to the Rotator lat/long, azimuth and distance data in the Logbook ALE. This will enable operators with rotor controllers to direct their rotor with improved accuracy. To be clear, we're not done with this. There are a number of things that are related to the callsign lookup function that are not working as designed. It's our intention to revise this logic - which will include improving the quality of the beam heading and distance data and will resolve issues reported to us regarding the population of QTH.
The full release notes can be found here:
All those who have purchased Ham Radio Deluxe at any time in the past should download and install this version in order to benefit from all bug fixes. You are entitled to them. Our clients who are covered by an active Software Maintenance and Support period are entitled to Feature Enhancements.
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Thank you es 73 de Mike, WA9PIE
HRD Software, LLC