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I wanted to give you all a quick update on the progress we're making about resolving the (new) defects you all reported in the release.
It's worth noting that this is the first release since early 2017 where a new release has introduced new defects. We're all quite proud of that. The 6.7 release was a very complex release that contained a number of ambitious fixes to many items that clients had reported to us in the past. So - we'll start anew and re-double our efforts... and we'll likely make fewer changes per release.
The list of new defects reported were related to the following:
Most of these things have already been fixed and have been verified in alpha builds. I spoke to the developer working on these items a few minutes ago and we believe we'll have a build going to the beta team Sunday evening (in the US). This is probably a quick beta cycle and we'll publish a 6.7 maintenance release sometime early next week.
If you don't see your favorite item in the list above, I would ask you to refrain from sending replies asking "When are you going to fix
Once we get this maintenance release out, we're going to finish off the "FT4 submode" topic.
If the release is causing you pain, I have posted the link to the build in our release notes under that release. You can also obtain it from here:
You can follow the progress directly at: https://ReleaseNotes.
Mike Carper, VK4/WA9PIE
HRD Software, LLC